Fabric technologies

Fibre and fabric technologies

High tech
Croda has developed a range of performance additives that provide textiles with high tech functional effects including thermal regulation, permanent anti-static and UV protection.
Anti-static to reduce cling
As synthetic fibres tend to be poor conductors of electricity, friction during use can cause build-up of static charge within the garment. This static charge will then cause the garment to become clingy in feeling and can often lead to further discomfort. The generation of static can be eliminated through use of anti-static agents within the garment.
Moisture management
Synthetic fibres can often be hydrophobic upon manufacturing, meaning it is difficult for water to pass through the fibre. Croda's durable finishes can improve hydrophilic tendences of synthetic fibres and increase the strike-through. This greatly improves the capabilities of sportswear to draw moisture from the skin and pass through the garment where it then evaporates.
Thermal regulation textiles
Consumers expect textiles to keep up with both their active lifestyle and the everyday. By incorporating CrodaTherm microencapsulated PCMs into textiles and fibres, a more comfortable and stable temperature profile is achieved.
Thermal regulation bedding and foam
Foam and bedding textiles can quickly become uncomfortable, especially in hot and humid environments. Mattress and bedding materials containing CrodaTherm microencapsulated PCMs can improve thermal control and quality of sleep.
Odour control
The main causes of odour in textiles are organic carboxylic acids, which embed in fabrics causing persistent or permanent odour. Frequent use of your favourite clothes, shoes and bags makes them more susceptible to developing foul odours. This can ultimately lead to them becoming unwearable or unusable. Washing these items does not effectively neutralise these odours due to a permanent build-up in the synthetic fibres. Croda's bio-based odour neutralisers can be incorporated to help neutralise the odour build-up and keep your fabrics smelling fresher, for longer.
High tech
Croda has developed a range of performance additives that provide textiles with high tech functional effects including thermal regulation, permanent anti-static and UV protection.
Anti-static to reduce cling
As synthetic fibres tend to be poor conductors of electricity, friction during use can cause build-up of static charge within the garment. This static charge will then cause the garment to become clingy in feeling and can often lead to further discomfort. The generation of static can be eliminated through use of anti-static agents within the garment.
Moisture management
Synthetic fibres can often be hydrophobic upon manufacturing, meaning it is difficult for water to pass through the fibre. Croda's durable finishes can improve hydrophilic tendences of synthetic fibres and increase the strike-through. This greatly improves the capabilities of sportswear to draw moisture from the skin and pass through the garment where it then evaporates.
Thermal regulation textiles
Consumers expect textiles to keep up with both their active lifestyle and the everyday. By incorporating CrodaTherm microencapsulated PCMs into textiles and fibres, a more comfortable and stable temperature profile is achieved.
Thermal regulation bedding and foam
Foam and bedding textiles can quickly become uncomfortable, especially in hot and humid environments. Mattress and bedding materials containing CrodaTherm microencapsulated PCMs can improve thermal control and quality of sleep.
Our recommendations
Consumers expect textiles to keep up with both their active lifestyle and the everyday. By incorporating CrodaTherm microencapsulated PCM into textiles and fibres, a more comfortable and stable temperature profile is achieved.

CrodaTherm ME 29D

CrodaTherm ME 29P
A variety of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi cause problems such as deterioration of fabric, staining, odours and health concerns. We offer durable patented surfactant technology for all substrates for controlling anti-microbial generation and growth and subsequent anti-odour effect. Our products can be applied by spray, padding or by exhaust process.

Permalose PAM

Zinador™ 22L

Zinador 35L
Synthetic fibres have an inherent property of static generation which leads to clinging of fabric and increased soiling tendency, leading to wearer’s discomfort. To control/ nullify static generation – we require anti-static agents. We offer different products which can meet stringent anti-static testing methods and durability requirements.

Permalose TM

Cirrasol PE113
It is required from active and sports-wears to transport moisture from body to fabric and evaporate further during physical exercise or training. It improves the wearer’s comfort and increases performance. For this kind of moisture management fabric, we offer specialised durable systems with added quick dry properties for quick spread and absorption of moisture.

Permalose AQUA